Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blessed Be Your Name

So many times I find myself at the beginning of my devotional time asking God for favors.  "Dear, Heavenly Father, will you please help me with my attitude?, God, please give me direction and the desires of my heart, God please........"

This morning, it happened again and I felt a check in my spirit.  God isn't my Santa or my spiritual vending machine.  None of these things are necessarily bad to go to Him about and I know it is ok to approach my Father with my requests.  However, in the middle of it, I see my focus is all on me.  The truth is, it isn't about what I want, what He gives, or what He doesn't give.  It is about who He is no matter what.  It is about Him.  And so, no matter how my life goes, what I receive, what I don't receive, or how my day plays out.......Blessed Be His Name!  He gives and He takes away.  He leads me through times of plenty and walks with me through the dessert where no water can be found.  And through it all I will choose to say, blessed be your name Jesus!  You are worthy of all honor and praise!  It is all about You and Your heart and Your desire, and that is all I need!  So Blessed be your Name!!

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