Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Truth on the Treadmill

Truth has become on objective concept in our society.  My truth may not be your truth and we need to respect each other's truth no matter what it is.  My truth is different then your truth, because I have a different perspective on life then you do.  Therefore, I base my truth on my perspective.  My perspective dictates my truth.

I have struggled with this a lot;  the idea that truth may very well be objective.  I have fought against it and found myself in a place of possibly being labeled as an absolutest and dogmatic.  I have fought with it so hard inside of myself, listened to the arguments against absolutism, and found myself slowly turning.......gradually beginning to think, maybe they have a point.  I have grown tired of the debate and slowly weakened.  Maybe, maybe they are right.  Maybe their truth in their lives is good for them.  And the truth in my life is good for me.  And that's ok.  Maybe that doesn't sound so bad.  After all, I would be open to any truth then, accepting of it.  The debate would be over; the fight would be over.  This felt easier and inside of myself, I have to be honest; the easy route looked good and made me want to sigh a breathe of relief.  No longer would I have to defend myself.  But then, doubt began to set in.  Doubt of what I believed.  If they were right....then that means I might be wrong.  And if I am wrong, then everything I have ever said, done, believed in, worked for, loved, worshiped.....might be for nothing.  This thought had left me incredibly vulnerable. 

My shield had fallen to the ground, my sword aimlessly held at my side, my helmet tossed on the ground as I threw it aside to wipe the sweat from my brow.  And I stared my enemy straight in the face and realized, for a moment; that it just was easier to succumb.

My vulnerability left me at a place of teetering between hopelessness and depression.  I felt I was constantly trying to fight them both off.  I didn't want either of them, but I felt I had nothing left to give.  I would have moments of peace, but these moments became more fleeting and hopelessness became more prevalent.  I had been in this place before.  I knew it well.  I didn't want it, but was feeling sucked in.  Depression does that.  It sucks you in.  Friends who were struggling with major life issues would call, looking for support and encouragement.  I would listen to myself repeat words, phrases, verses, anything and everything that I knew were the right things to say to lift them up.  But as I heard myself, my words sounded hollow.  Meaningless jargon to make someone feel better.  They didn't feel like truth to me anymore.  How could I pass along something I was beginning to doubt?

And then, in all His Mighty Faithfulness, God spoke to me.  In the middle of everyday life, using a simple example of something I understood well, He spoke to me.  I had gone to the gym that morning.  Resolved to get back into shape.  I stepped onto the treadmill and got ready for my workout.   I had decided earlier to make sure the treadmill would be at an incline in order to simulate running outside better.......outside is my gym of choice.  I pushed the incline button and noticed it was already set at 5.5%.  Jeez o Petes!  Who is the crazy person that is running at 5.5% incline!  Oh well....and I started to lower the platform to an incline of 2%.  I started the treadmill up and that is when it hit me. 

When I had first stepped up on the treadmill I did not realize I was at a 5.5% incline.  It felt level to me.  If anyone had asked me, I would have told them I was standing level.  If they would have pressed me about it, I probably would have argued with them that I was standing on level ground.  I didn't know any different.  It was what I knew to be level.  It felt level, it looked level to me, I didn't feel like I was on a slant.  From what I could tell, feel, and see; I was standing on level ground.  It was my perspective.  It was my truth.  And this is when God spoke to me. 

The truth was that I was not level.  It really didn't matter how I felt, what I could tell, or what I could see.  The fact of the matter was, I was not level.  My perspective on the matter made me think I knew what the truth was about the incline of the treadmill.  The truth was I was on an incline.  Whether or not I agreed with the truth, saw the truth, understood the truth, liked the truth, or felt the truth didn't change the truth. 

Truth is not, nor ever will be objective.  If it was, it would go against the very definition of truth which means constant and faithful.  Something constant and faithful cannot be changed or else it would no longer be constant and faithful.  Yes, our lives shape us, can define us, and sets our perspective on life.  However, our perspective, cannot and will not change the truth.  Our circumstances do not change truth.

There are so many debates.  Debates about politics, debates about faith, debates about proper etiquette and socially acceptable behaviour, debates within the church and outside of the church.  It goes on and on, because we all have our own experiences, our own lives, our own perspectives on which we base our "truth".    Truth cannot be based on our perspective though, because we all have different perspectives, therefore we all have a different truth.  In our American society, it is becoming more and more acceptable to simply be whoever, whatever, and however you want to be.  Cause you can, it's your right, and you want to.  You can believe whatever you want, do whatever you want, say whatever you want because it is your right.  And, in our society, if someone tries to tell you otherwise; on either side mind you, then your rights are being stepped on.  So off to court you go, to prove your rights are justified and nobody has any business telling you otherwise.  However, our rights, what we want, how we feel, what we like or don't like never changes the truth.  It is constant, it is faithful, it is never changing.

As I have spent some time thinking about what God shared with me, I have realized;  there is only one constant.  It is not human opinion, social trends, my feelings, my thoughts, my perspective, my outlook on life, my circumstances.  None of these are truth, because they are all changeable.  And truth is constant and faithful.  None of those things can line up with the definition of truth.  Only one thing lines up with the definition of truth and that is God.  He has always remained the same.  His love is constant, His faithfulness is sure, and He never changes.  Debaters, I am going to stop you right here because I know what you are going to say.  I have heard it a million times. 

"The Bible contradicts itself, how can a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people, I have found just as much peace and happiness following Buddha as you do following God......."

I've heard it all.  So debaters, go no farther, leave your debates at the table and listen.  My opinion, your opinion, your thoughts, my thoughts, my experiences, your experiences, my ideals, your ideals, your feelings, my feelings are ALL subject to change.  They are not constant and therefore they are not truth.  All those things make no difference and do not change the truth of who God is.  Our understanding of Him, our opinion of Him, our perspective of Him, or our interpretation of Him do not and will not ever change Him, because He is the very definition of truth. 

I desire to strip it all away, because when I do, it leads me back to the one constant, the one faithful, the one true God.

I felt myself collapsing in a heap of hopelessness.  None of it mattered.  I didn't matter.  It would be easier to simply give up.  I could feel the cold dirt against my cheek as I lay on the ground.  His breath coming closer to me.  I could feel him breathing and could smell his stench.  I shut my eyes, willing myself to die.  Fear froze me.....and then I heard the voice of another.  It was the distinguishable voice of my Father, gently speaking to me.  "My love has never failed you.  I am here and I will never leave you.  I will never forsake you.  You are mine.  You are my child.  Get up and stand strong.  You do not have to fight this battle on your own, because I will fight it for you.  I have already overcome."  His voice was like a sweet aroma over powering the stench of my enemy.  I opened my eyes and reached out to take the hand extended towards me.  His strong arms lifted me out of the dirt I had settled in.  My Helper picked up my helmet and handed it to me.  "You are going to need this."  He picked up my sword that had fallen out of the weak grasp of my hand and placed it back in my hand, firmly closing my fingers around it's hilt.  I felt His strength begin to rush through my being.  I placed my helmet back on my head and bent down to pick up my shield.  And I looked my enemy square in the eyes and I shouted, "Greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world, and He has already overcome the world!"

2 Chronicles 20:17
"You will not have to fight this battle.  Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem.  Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged.  Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you."

Ephesians 6:10-17
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

John 16:33  "I have told you these things, so that in my you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."