Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Example of My Heavenly Fathers Love

Yesterday morning, during my prayer time, I was struck by the wonderful fact that God is always listening to me.  It seems like such a elementary fact, but I sat in awe of it.  I did not have an eloquent prayer.  In fact, I was sort of at a lose for words, knowing that I should be praising and praying for others and so on and so forth.....At that moment, I was feeling a need for His strength for the day.  And that is when it hit me, in the middle of my rambling words and my prayer for strength, He was listening in spite of it all.  How wonderful is this!  Do you know why this is so wonderful to me?  It is because I don't listen very well.  I often have a response ready before someone speaking to me is even done with their sentence.  Or, if I am busy and the children or Rob want to say something to me, I often only listen with one ear.  When they get done talking, I realize I have no idea what they just said and I have to ask them to repeat it. Even worse, I have been known to say to my children, "don't talk to me right now" because I feel overwhelmed at that moment and I do not feel capable of holding onto anymore information.  I have even shoo-ed them away from me if I am busy or talking to someone else.  Here is a common one, "can't you see I'm talking on the phone!  What have I told you about talking to me when I am on the phone?!"

God is not that way though.  When I come to Him, He is all ears.  If I am rambling and not making sense, He still patiently listens to me.  If I am angry, ranting, and screaming out about how unfair something is or how I don't understand what He is up too.... He listens.  He never only listens with one ear and asks me to repeat it.  He never says, "don't talk to me right now, I am too busy.  Don't you know there is a crisis I am dealing with?!"  He has never said, "I can't talk to you right now, because I am talking to Georgette in Alabama.  Take a number, and I'll get to you when I can."  No, the God of the universe who holds the whole world in His hands, listens EVERY time I come to Him.  He never pushes me away.  He always embraces me.  He always lets me climb up into His lap.  He is the perfect Father!

Not only did this thought encourage my heart yesterday morning, it challenged me.  It challenged me to be more like my Daddy.  To never be too busy to listen.  To remember, the responsibilities and the cares of this world are not more important than my children telling me about their day..... even when they don't make sense or talk reeeaaaaally slow, or repeat the same sentence several times or interrupt a phone conversation.  To embrace them and allow them to climb up into my lap.  To remember the needs of those around me are MORE important than my own needs and THEY ARE WORTH THE TIME to drop everything I am doing and listen, serve, pray with, cry with, laugh with.......because that is what my Daddy does for me.  It is the example He has set for me. 

Father, How I long to be more like you.  You are always listening and always near to me.  I never have to search you out or hope that you are not busy and have a few minutes to listen.  You are always faithful, always good, and always patient with me.  You love me just the way I am, no matter what I am going through, or how I act.  You never push me away. You always embrace me.  Thank you Daddy for being a wonderful Father!  Thank you for your kindness, your goodness, and your love.  Thank you for your example.  You are always leading me and teaching me with your example.  Thank you for always encouraging me and always ministering to me.  You are so good and faithful!  Give me the strength and continue to teach me to follow your example.  Speak to me and prompt me when I begin to get impatient, push others away, and allow the business of life to take over the needs of my family and those around me.  Speak to me Holy Spirit and remind me to listen the way you listen to me.  I love you heavenly Father!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving me!


Kristy Jo said...

What a great reminder, Melody, to listen closer, like our Dad.

katie said...

Melody thanks so much for sharing that for all to read. I so do that also, you just get to busy sometimes and it just doesn't seem like you can think straight. I needed that and thanks so much!

Melody said...

I have already found myself not listening well today! I'm thankful God showed this to me! It is making me much more aware of how many times I do this and more conscious about changing the behavior.