Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Good Reminder From a Handfull of Clay

Most mornings, on our way to school, I spend some time praying with the children.  Somehow, out of our prayer time, came the topic of why bad things happen to good people.  I explained to my children that sometimes God allows us to walk through very dark and difficult stages of our lives because He is perfecting us.  I used the example of clay and a molded pot.  I asked the kids, why do we put a pot through the fire?  Their answer was straight forward and simple.  To make it hard and so that it can hold water.  In this moment with my kids, the truth of this issue resonated with me.  The fire makes it steadfast and sturdy.  It takes something impressionable and keeps it permenatnly in the shape the molder formed it to be.  The fire takes the pot which once only had potential and transforms it into a pot which can be used for it's intended purpose.  I thought this was so good!

Jesus has taken me, a handful of clay, and has formed me, molded me and shaped me into a vessel of potential.  He has made me for a specific purpose.  He has impressed Himself onto and into  me......

In this moment of molding and shaping, I am in wonder at what He is making me to become.  I stand amazed at the potential I see Him forming.  I know His hand prints and the impression of Him is all over me and I feel abundently loved.  I am excited to see what His plans are for me.  And then, He does the unthinkable.  At least it is unthinkable to me.  He places me in a hot, dry, burning place.  I cry out in pain not understanding why or how He, the one who loved me and formed me, could allow me to suffer.  And yet, I know He still loves me, cause He has always proved Himself faithful.  Eventually, I see a door open, a way out, and I know the loving hand of my Maker is drawing me towards Him.  I look at myself and realize......The shape He formed me in has become permanent.  His impressions on me are visible and nothing can remove them from me.  He tells me I am ready now.......

I am no longer simply full of potential.  Now, I am ready to be used.

What an awesome lesson and reminder for me today!  I don't know the whys of the difficulties of this life, some of which or so horrible I can't even begin to imagine or understand.  There are simply no answers sometimes.  But He knows and He is still in control.  And if we allow Him and we choose to trust Him, He will bring us through it refined, beautiful, and ready for His purposes.  It makes me want to shout, "BRING IT ON THEN!"  And yet, I cringe knowing the fire is a difficult thing to go through.

So God I pray for you to mold me.  Shape me into a vessel of potential.  Impress yourself into me and on me.......and then set me on fire.  And in the fire, I ask you to strengthen me so that I will not falter.  I desire to be taken from a vessel full of potential to a vessel that is ready to be used.  Thank you Jesus

Isaiah 64:8
"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter;  we are all the work of your hand."

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