Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My God is Enough

Why is it that God often is not enough for us?  In 1 Samuel 8, the Israelites ask for a king because they had rejected the authority of God.  Samuel warns them what will take place once they have a king, but they do not listen to him.  They demand to have a king placed over them anyway.  As I read this morning, I started to feel a little angry towards the Israelites.  God had done so much for them.  Time and time again He came to their rescue and time and time again they turned back to their old vices. 

Don't we do the same thing though?  Instead of allowing God, in all of His majesty, power, provision, love, and goodness to be all we need, to satisfy us, we continue to look for more.  We replace God with another king:  work, toys, big houses, relationships, busyness, promotions, worldly treasure, public applause.  I have found myself saying, "If I could just have the perfect body, then I will be happy" or "If I could have a bigger house, or a smaller house, or no debt, or kids that don't bicker and fight, then life would be better."  I have sought after those things, positive that they would bring me some sort of fulfillment. 

In the end though, we find ourselves just like the Israelites bound to a king, and having to serve it instead of being bound to and serving Jesus.  We need to stop searching.  We need to take our eyes off of the glitz, glamour, and sparkle that the world offers and fix our eyes on the only one who can give us more than life.  It reminds me of pack rats.  They are drawn to everything shiny and sparkly.  In fact, they can have a berry for food or a piece of materiel to add to their nest in their paws and when they see a shiny penny they will drop the other item and pick up the penny instead.  What good is the penny to the rat?  It doesn't offer them sustenance or warmth!  It only clutters up their den and distracts them from focusing on obtaining what will sustain their lives.  Oh, just like us, well at least me, so easily distracted by all that glitters!

Jesus is all I need.  He has and always will provide for me.  When I look back on all that He has done in my life, how can I ever doubt that He will not continue to be my everything?  He provides for my physical needs, but more importantly He offers something that the world can never provide.  Life!  Abundant and eternal life! 

It is time to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.  It is time to stop taking what the world has to offer and instead take to the world what Jesus has to offer.  He is the King of Kings, the Master of this universe, our God and He is enough! 

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