Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I am His

I am His.  I have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  I have value and worth.  I am His daughter; His princess.  My worth does not hinge on my accomplishments, how well spoken I am, my talents, or what I do today.  My worth is found in Jesus Christ.  I do not have to gain my worth.  It has already been given to me.  I am His!  If I fail, I am still His.  If I fall, I am still His.  He loves me in my weakness and becomes my strength.  I do not have to prove anything to Him.  He is my high priest and my advocate.  All He desires from me, is me.  He desires my relationship.  He desires my heart and my love.  He wants me!  He wants all of me, just the way I am, pouring myself into Him.  Head pressed against His chest, arms wrapped around Him, leaning on Him, trusting Him, listening to Him, loving Him, communing deeper and deeper with Him, walking with Him.  Not in front of Him, not behind Him, but beside Him.  He is my portion forever and I will trust Him.  He is the lifter of my head and in Him I will place my hope.  He is my oasis in a dry and weary land.  He is refreshment to my soul.  I love Him!

And you, this is not just for me!  This is for you too!

You are His.  You  have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  You have value and worth.  You are His daughter; His princess.  Your worth does not hinge on your accomplishments, how well spoken you are, your talents, or what you do today.  Your worth is found in Jesus Christ.  You do not have to gain your worth.  It has already been given to you.  You are His!  If you fail, you are still His.  If you fall, you are still His.  He loves you in your weakness and becomes your strength.  You do not have to prove anything to Him.  He is your high priest and your advocate.  All He desires from you, is you.  He desires your relationship.  He desires your heart and your love.  He wants you!  He wants all of you, just the way you are, pouring yourself into Him.  Head pressed against His chest, arms wrapped around Him, leaning on Him, trusting Him, listening to Him, loving Him, communing deeper and deeper with Him, walking with Him.  Not in front of Him, not behind Him, but beside Him.  He is your portion forever.  Trust Him.  He is the lifter of your head.  Put your hope in Him.  He is your oasis in a dry and weary land.  He is refreshment to your soul.

If you struggle with depression,  low self-worth and value, please contact me.  I want to be praying for you.  If you do not know Jesus as your personal saviour, contact me.  I want to tell you more about Him.  He loves you!  He desires you!  So many years it has taken for me to understand my worth in Him.  There is freedom from the bondage of depression and lack of self-worth.  That is not His desire for you.  He desires that you find rest in Him and a life of joy that is made complete in Him.  Come to Him.  Listen.  He is calling your name.

"Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

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