Several months ago, God shared with me a precious picture of my relationship with Him. I saw my front porch and rocking chairs. Jesus was sitting in one rocker and I was in the other. I was overwhelmed with the peace, joy, and freedom of simply being in His presence. It is in this place that He often speaks to me. This blog is dedicated to those conversations.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Month of Thankfulness: Day One

I was inspired this morning by a Facebook friend and her Jar of Thankfulness and I thought, you know, this is a good idea!  So here goes, Day One :). Today, I am thankful for sick days.  Sound strange?  Well, maybe it isn't so much for the sick part as it is for the opportunity to spend a day loving on my sick little Kara.  It has made thankful for her life and the precious gift she is to our family.  Each day of her life is a gift and each moment a wonderful memory.  Today has also made me thankful for caring doctors, anti-nausea medicine, gaterade, and the fact that Miejer pharmacy workers work extra fast to fill your prescription if your child is throwing up in their trash can.  Who knew, right? :)  I will have to remember that each time i go to fill a prescription.  :) Anyway, today these are the things I am thankful for!

Rejoice in The Lord always, and again I say, rejoice!  Phillipians 4:4

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